n Ben Binaee - Home


Blog is a home place for the solutions I find in my daily challenges. It possess enrichment design guides that may be useful for the new hardware designers.

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I did a few projects which you could find them listed in this quarter. It is not meant to be a full description about each project but solely a place to show off my background and interests.

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Measurement instruments in the past decade become a necessity in designing both RF and digital products. Unfortunately these tools remain expensive since their inception. PNA6 is a 300MHz - 6GHz VNA with a balance between performance and cost. You can learn more about what this extremly compact device features by visiting PNA6 page.

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Knowing the right person at the right time is a key point in reaching success. If you have any question regard the projects or just want to express your opinion, please don't hesitate to contact me. I'm always happy to meet new friends and learn things from other engineers out there.

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